Lubrication pinion


This is the contact way of lubrication by free rotating pinion, which gears with the driving pinion.


The source of pressure lubricant is the electric piston pump (a), which is connected directly to the pin of the lubrication pinion (b). The lubrication pinion is usually produced from the soft but hard material, e. g. pressed and glued felt boards or from plastic. The pinion is equipped by the drilled channels, which outlet from the middle and lead to the sides of the teeth. The pin, where the pinion freely rotates, is equipped by the radial channel directed so, that the central drill hole, to which is the lubricant supply connected, connects always the channels in tooth, which is just gearing. 


The pump supplies always for an appropriate period of time the lubricant, which is forced through the distribution pin and channels in tooth of lubrication pinion to the side surface of the lubrication pinion. The lubricant is transported during the gearing of the tooth of the driving pinion to the active surfaces of its teeth. 

Standard elements for lubrication pinion:

a - Pumps

b – Lubrication pinion

  • According to the teeth module and width of the appropriate driving pinion.

Additional parts of the system:

Main fields of usage:

The geared transmissions of smaller or middle widths with lower speeds especially there, where is not the air supply available.